How to present your idea convincingly?

One of the biggest stereotypes about consultants is they do nothing else besides making fancy slides. Although we don’t agree at all with this stereotype, our consultants are excellent slide makers and we want to share some of our top tips and tricks with you. 

Let's start with the SCQA (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer) framework, a powerful tool for conveying messages persuasively. Often you want to change something or propose a new idea to your audience, in that case, you have to convince them which can be very difficult. In such a situation, setting the stage is very important and can be done with the SCQA framework:

1️⃣ Situation: It all begins with setting the stage. We describe the current state with information that everyone in the room agrees with already. This makes sure that the audience will accept the rest of your story, which will be less familiar and maybe agreeable. 

2️⃣ Complication: Here's where the plot thickens. We address the changes, challenges, or opportunities within the just presented context, laying out the reasons for action. 

3️⃣ Question: This is where engagement peaks. By posing a question, either open-ended or specific, we spark curiosity and invite the audience to engage.

4️⃣ Answer: Lastly a clear, well-aligned answer to the posed question is given, showing how challenges can be tackled and opportunities can be harnessed. In our end-presentations, this is where the advice is given. 

But how do we structure the answer part effectively? When giving presentations it is crucial to keep the attention span of your audience into account. Usually, people only remember the start and end of your story, using the pyramid principle helps to create this structure. 

Top of the Pyramid: We start with a bang – the main message. This could be the answer, solution, or key takeaway. It's all about grabbing attention and setting the focus right from the start.

Middle of the Pyramid: Next are the supporting arguments. Ranked by relevance, each argument solidifies the main message.

Bottom of the Pyramid: Finally, we dive into the details. This layer is rich with specific data and facts that underpin the arguments above, adding depth and reinforcing understanding. 

Utilizing these strategies makes sure that we deliver the highest quality results to our clients to make the most impact possible. Sharing these insights on LinkedIn, I hope to inspire others to embrace these powerful tools, enhancing their communication skills in their professional journeys.

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Martijn Hendrikx